Which GPU is better for Deep Learning?

Phones    |    Mobile SoCs    |    IoT    |    Efficiency Deep Learning Hardware Ranking Desktop GPUs and CPUs
Model TF Version Cores Frequency, GHz Acceleration Platform RAM, GB Year Inference
Tesla V100 SXM2 32Gb2.1.05120 (CUDA)1.29 / 1.53CUDA 10.1Debian 103220181776118030 35791
Tesla V100 SXM2 16Gb2.1.05120 (CUDA)1.31 / 1.53CUDA 10.1Red Hat 7.51620171725117836 35086
Tesla V100 PCIE 32Gb2.1.05120 (CUDA)1.23 / 1.38CUDA 10.1Debian 103220181653017865 34394
Tesla V100 PCIE 16Gb2.1.05120 (CUDA)1.25 / 1.38CUDA 10.1Red Hat 7.51620171651117837 34347
NVIDIA Quadro GV1001.14.05120 (CUDA)1.13 / 1.63CUDA 10Debian 103220181674817132 33880
NVIDIA TITAN V2.1.05120 (CUDA)1.20 / 1.46CUDA 10.1Ubuntu 18.041220171619217215 33406
NVIDIA TITAN RTX2.1.04608 (CUDA)1.35 / 1.77CUDA 10.1Ubuntu 18.042420181608417255 33339
GeForce RTX 2080 Ti2.1.04352 (CUDA)1.35 / 1.55CUDA 10Debian 101120181604216828 32870
NVIDIA Quadro RTX 80002.1.04608 (CUDA)1.40 / 1.77CUDA 10.1Debian 104820181301414637 27651
NVIDIA Quadro GP1002.0.03584 (CUDA)1.30 / 1.44CUDA 10Red Hat 7.41620161226413436 25700
NVIDIA TITAN Xp2.1.03840 (CUDA)1.41 / 1.58CUDA 10.2Debian 101220171194812922 24870
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti2.1.03584 (CUDA)1.58 / 1.60CUDA 10.2Debian 101120171191412473 24386
GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER2.1.03072 (CUDA)1.65 / 1.82CUDA 10.1Windows 10820191151312734 24247
GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER2.1.02560 (CUDA)1.61 / 1.77CUDA 10.2Ubuntu 18.04820191147212710 24182
GeForce RTX 20802.1.02944 (CUDA)1.52 / 1.71CUDA 10.2Ubuntu 18.04820181124212586 23827
NVIDIA Tesla P1002.1.03584 (CUDA)1.19 / 1.33CUDA 10Ubuntu 18.041620161066211804 22466
NVIDIA Quadro RTX 50002.0.03072 (CUDA)1.62 / 1.82CUDA 10.1Windows 101620181072111646 22366
NVIDIA Quadro P60001.14.03840 (CUDA)1.51 / 1.65CUDA 10Debian 102420161092710747 21674
GeForce RTX 20702.1.02304 (CUDA)1.41 / 1.62CUDA 10.1Debian 1082018972610997 20723
NVIDIA TITAN Xp CE1.12.03840 (CUDA)1.41 / 1.58CUDA 9Debian 9.9122017106639440 20103
NVIDIA TITAN X Pascal2.1.03584 (CUDA)1.42 / 1.53CUDA 10.1Windows 10122016971410375 20089
GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER2.1.02176 (CUDA)1.47 / 1.65CUDA 10Ubuntu 18.0482019959910345 19944
AMD Radeon VII2.1.038401.40 / 1.75ROCm (OpenCL)Debian 10162019121737194 19367
NVIDIA Quadro RTX 40002.0.02304 (CUDA)1.01 / 1.55CUDA 10.1Windows 1082018900310063 19066
GeForce RTX 20602.1.01920 (CUDA)1.37 / 1.68CUDA 10.1Debian 106201989739419 18392
NVIDIA Tesla P401.14.03840 (CUDA)1.30 / 1.53CUDA 10Ubuntu 18.0424201692218785 18006
GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER Laptop2.1.02560 (CUDA)1.14 / 1.38CUDA 10.2Windows 108202081339278 17412
GeForce GTX 10802.1.02560 (CUDA)1.61 / 1.73CUDA 10Ubuntu 18.048201684398944 17383
GeForce RTX 2080 Max-Q2.1.02944 (CUDA)0.76 / 1.10CUDA 10.2Windows 108201982408970 17210
GeForce GTX 1080 Laptop2.1.02560 (CUDA)1.56 / 1.77CUDA 10Debian 9.98201683218813 17134
GeForce RTX 2070 Max-Q2.1.02304 (CUDA)0.89 / 1.19CUDA 10.2Windows 108201978998580 16479
NVIDIA Quadro RTX 5000 Max-Q2.1.03072 (CUDA)0.60 / 1.35CUDA 10Windows 1016201977618482 16243
NVIDIA Quadro P50002.0.02560 (CUDA)1.61 / 1.73CUDA 10.1Windows 1016201679378301 16238
GeForce GTX 980 Ti2.1.02816 (CUDA)1.00 / 1.08CUDA 10.2CentOS 7.76201577828256 16038
GeForce GTX 1070 Ti2.1.02432 (CUDA)1.61 / 1.68CUDA 10.1Ubuntu 18.048201775558310 15865
GeForce GTX TITAN X2.1.03072 (CUDA)1.00 / 1.09CUDA 10Debian 1012201574437908 15351
GeForce RTX 2070 Laptop2.1.02304 (CUDA)1.22 / 1.44CUDA 10.1Windows 108201970587867 14925
GeForce RTX 2060 Laptop2.1.01920 (CUDA)0.96 / 1.20CUDA 10.2Windows 106201971517774 14924
GeForce GTX 10702.1.01920 (CUDA)1.51 / 1.68CUDA 10.1Ubuntu 18.048201670847745 14830
NVIDIA Tesla T42.1.02560 (CUDA)0.59 / 1.59CUDA 10Ubuntu 18.0416201869237635 14558
GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Laptop2.0.01536 (CUDA)1.45 / 1.59CUDA 10Ubuntu 18.046201967137470 14183
GeForce GTX 1070 Max-Q2.1.02048 (CUDA)1.22 / 1.38CUDA 10.1Debian 108201764917273 13764
NVIDIA Quadro P40002.0.01792 (CUDA)1.20 / 1.48CUDA 10.1CentOS 7.78201760866837 12924
GeForce GTX 1080 Max-Q2.0.02560 (CUDA)1.29 / 1.49CUDA 10.1Windows 108201759106265 12175
GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER2.1.01408 (CUDA)1.53 / 1.75CUDA 10Windows 106201963275690 12017
GeForce GTX 10602.1.01280 (CUDA)1.51 / 1.71CUDA 10.1Debian 106201654445955 11399
NVIDIA Tesla P42.1.02560 (CUDA)0.89 / 1.11CUDA 10Ubuntu 18.048201653715712 11083
GeForce GTX 1060 Laptop2.0.01280 (CUDA)1.40 / 1.67CUDA 10Debian 9.96201648875425 10312
GeForce GTX 9702.1.01664 (CUDA)1.05 / 1.18CUDA 10Ubuntu 18.044201448315398 10228
NVIDIA Quadro P32002.0.01792 (CUDA)1.33 / 1.54CUDA 10Windows 106201847845328 10112
GeForce GTX 1060 Max-Q2.1.01280 (CUDA)1.06 / 1.48CUDA 10.1Windows 106201746375084 9721
NVIDIA Tesla M602.1.02048 x 2 (CUDA)0.56 / 1.18CUDA 10.1Windows 108 x 2201546854959 9644
GeForce GTX TITAN BLACK2.0.02880 (CUDA)0.89 / 0.98CUDA 10.1Windows 106201440014949 8950
GeForce GTX 980M1.12.01536 (CUDA)1.04 / 1.13CUDA 9Ubuntu 16.048201439384485 8423
NVIDIA Quadro P20002.1.01024 (CUDA)1.08 / 1.48CUDA 10.1Windows 105201738314315 8145
AMD Radeon RX 4802.1.023041.12 / 1.27ROCm (OpenCL)Ubuntu 18.048201648723218 8090
AMD Radeon RX 4702.1.020480.93 / 1.21ROCm (OpenCL)Debian 104201646233081 7704
NVIDIA Quadro M40002.0.01664 (CUDA)0.77CUDA 10Ubuntu 18.048201534163780 7196
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti1.15.0768 (CUDA)1.29 / 1.39CUDA 10Ubuntu 18.044201632313780 7010
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Laptop2.1.0768 (CUDA)1.49 / 1.62CUDA 10.1Ubuntu 18.044201732343690 6924
NVIDIA Tesla K802.1.02496 x 2 (CUDA)0.56 / 0.82CUDA 10.1Ubuntu 18.0412 x 2201429823600 6582
NVIDIA Tesla K40c2.0.02880 (CUDA)0.75 / 0.88CUDA 10Debian 9.912201328963568 6464
GeForce GTX 9602.1.01024 (CUDA)1.13 / 1.18CUDA 10Debian 104201529963312 6308
GeForce GTX 1050 Laptop2.0.0640 (CUDA)1.35 / 1.49CUDA 10Debian 104201728093284 6093
NVIDIA Quadro P42001.14.02304 (CUDA)1.23 / 1.65CUDA 10Debian 108201824732949 5422
NVIDIA Quadro M22002.1.01024 (CUDA)0.70 / 1.04CUDA 10Windows 104201724792694 5173
NVIDIA Quadro P10002.0.0640 (CUDA)1.27 / 1.48CUDA 10Debian 104201723672724 5090
NVIDIA Tegra Xavier2.0.0512 (CUDA)0.85 / 1.38CUDA 10Ubuntu 18.0416201822262399 4625
Intel Xeon Gold 61482.1.020 / 40 Threads2.4 / 3.7Intel MKLCentOS 7.5384201725881602 4190
NVIDIA Quadro M2000M (1)1.14.0640 (CUDA)1.04 / 1.20CUDA 10Fedora 304201518822211 4093
NVIDIA Quadro M2000M (2)1.15.0640 (CUDA)1.04 / 1.20CUDA 10Windows 104201518372095 3996
NVIDIA Quadro M2000M (3)1.14.0640 (CUDA)1.04 / 1.20CUDA 10Windows 104201518432123 3966
GeForce GTX 960M2.1.0640 (CUDA)1.10 / 1.18CUDA 10.1Windows 104201518262102 3928
AMD Threadripper 3970X2.1.032 / 64 Threads3.7 / 4.5Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04128201922581571 3829
Intel Xeon Gold 61302.1.016 / 32 Threads2.1 / 3.7Intel MKLCentOS 7.6192201722111487 3698
Intel Xeon Gold 61262.0.012 / 24 Threads2.6 / 3.7Intel MKLRed Hat 7.7192201720551459 3514
Intel Core i9-7940X1.14.014 / 28 Threads3.1 / 4.3Intel MKLDebian 1132201719631505 3468
Intel Core i9-9940X1.15.014 / 28 Threads3.3 / 4.4Intel MKLDebian 10128201817501512 3262
NVIDIA Quadro K50002.1.01536 (CUDA)0.71CUDA 10CentOS 7.64201215021708 3210
Intel Core i9-9960X2.1.016 / 32 Threads3.1 / 4.4Intel MKLUbuntu 18.0464201818001376 3176
Intel Xeon W-21952.1.018 / 36 Threads2.3 / 4.3Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04512201717081324 3032
Intel Xeon E5-2698 v41.14.020 / 40 Threads2.2 / 3.6Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04512201617641236 3000
Intel Core i9-7900X2.1.010 / 20 Threads3.3 / 4.3Intel MKLUbuntu 19.0464201715981396 2994
Intel Xeon Gold 62481.15.020 / 40 Threads2.5 / 3.9Intel MKLUbuntu 16.04192201917551223 2978
AMD Ryzen 9 3950X2.1.016 / 32 Threads3.5 / 4.7Intel MKLDebian 1064201916121361 2973
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X2.1.012 / 24 Threads3.8 / 4.6Intel MKLDebian 1032201915171315 2832
GeForce GT 10301.12.0384 (CUDA)1.23 / 1.47CUDA 9Debian 9.922017137502750 1
AMD EPYC 75021.14.032 / 64 Threads2.5 / 3.4Intel MKLUbuntu 18.041024201916861037 2723
AMD EPYC 73021.14.016 / 32 Threads3.0 / 3.3Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04128201914641201 2665
Intel Xeon E5-2620 v4 x 2 (1)1.14-Conda16 / 32 Threads2.1 / 3.0Intel MKLDebian 9.916201611081461 2569
GeForce GTX 950M2.1.0640 (CUDA)0.99 / 1.12CUDA 10.1Ubuntu 18.044201511571355 2512
Intel Core i7-9800X1.14.08 / 16 Threads3.8 / 4.4Intel MKLUbuntu 18.0432201813541154 2508
Intel Core i9-9820X2.0.010 / 20 Threads3.3 / 4.1Intel MKLUbuntu 18.0464201812741224 2498
Intel Core i7-9700K1.14-Conda8 / 8 Threads3.6 / 4.9Intel MKLDebian 9.932201810381442 2480
Intel Xeon Gold 61341.15.08 / 16 Threads3.2 / 3.7Intel MKLUbuntu 18.0422201712731204 2477
Intel Core i9-9900K1.14.08 / 16 Threads3.6 / 5.0Intel MKLUbuntu 19.1032201812301172 2402
Intel Core i7-7820X2.1.08 / 16 Threads3.6 / 4.3Intel MKLRed Hat 7.6128201712711083 2354
Intel Xeon W-21351.14.06 / 12 Threads3.7 / 4.5Intel MKLDebian 10128201712011120 2321
Intel Core i7-9700KF1.14.08 / 8 Threads3.6 / 4.9Intel MKLUbuntu 18.0464201912041099 2303
AMD Ryzen 7 3800X2.1.08 / 16 Threads3.9 / 4.5Intel MKLDebian 1116201911881018 2206
AMD EPYC 76012.1.032 / 64 Threads2.2 / 3.2Intel MKLDebian 1025620171199914 2113
Intel Core i7-8700 (1)1.14-Conda6 / 12 Threads3.2 / 4.6Intel MKLDebian 9.93220178471178 2025
Intel Core i7-8086K1.14.06 / 12 Threads4.0 / 5.0Intel MKLDebian 9.93220181009992 2001
Intel Core i7-9700F1.15.08 / 8 Threads3.0 / 4.7Intel MKLDebian 10322019952976 1928
AMD Ryzen 5 36001.14.06 / 12 Threads3.6 / 4.2Intel MKLUbuntu 16.04162019990915 1905
AMD Threadripper 1920X2.1.012 / 24 Threads3.5 / 4.0Intel MKLUbuntu 19.04642017940956 1896
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X1.14.08 / 16 Threads3.6 / 4.4Intel MKLUbuntu 19.103220191026857 1883
Intel Core i7-8700 (2)1.146 / 12 Threads3.2 / 4.6Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04322017903956 1859
Intel Xeon E5-2620 v4 x 2 (2)1.14.016 / 32 Threads2.1 / 3.0Intel MKLDebian 9.9162016968873 1841
AMD EPYC 74512.0.024 / 48 Threads2.3 / 3.2Intel MKLUbuntu 18.042562017964805 1769
Intel Xeon D-2183IT1.14.012 / 24 Threads2.1 / 3.0Intel MKLCentOS 7.62562018938831 1769
Intel Xeon W-21232.1.04 / 8 Threads3.6 / 3.9Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04322017882879 1761
AMD Ryzen 5 3500X2.1.16 / 6 Threads3.6 / 4.1Intel MKLDebian 10162019929831 1760
Intel Core i7-6850K2.1.06 / 12 Threads3.6 / 3.8Intel MKLDebian 101282016821911 1732
Intel Core i5-84001.14.06 / 6 Threads2.8 / 4.0Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04322017848859 1706
GeForce 940MX1.14.0512 (CUDA)0.80 / 0.86CUDA 10RHEL 7.742016774898 1672
Intel Core i7-5930K1.14.06 / 12 Threads3.5 / 3.7Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04322014798854 1652
Intel Xeon E5-2650 v42.0.012 / 24 Threads2.2 / 2.9Intel MKLCentOS 7.41282016823821 1644
Intel Core i9-9980HK2.1.08 / 16 Threads2.4 / 5.0Intel MKLmacOS Catalina322019826807 1633
Intel Core i7-7700K1.14.04 / 8 Threads4.2 / 4.5Intel MKLDebian 9.9322017759809 1568
Intel Core i7-9750H1.14.06 / 12 Threads2.6 / 4.5Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04322019751816 1567
IBM POWER92.1.032 / 128 Threads2.9 / 3.8Intel MKLDebian 103202017960604 1563
Intel Core i7-8850H2.1.06 / 12 Threads2.6 / 4.3Intel MKLDebian 10322018737821 1558
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X2.0.08 / 16 Threads3.7 / 4.3Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04322018721778 1499
Intel Core i7-8750H2.2.06 / 12 Threads2.2 / 4.1Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04322018701776 1476
Intel Core i9-9880H1.14.08 / 16 Threads2.3 / 4.8Intel MKLDebian 10162019786685 1471
Intel Core i7-6700K (1)1.14-Conda4 / 8 Threads4.0 / 4.2Intel MKLDebian 9.9322015608840 1448
Intel Core i7-6700K (2)2.1.04 / 8 Threads4.0 / 4.2Intel MKLDebian 9.11322015655699 1413
NVIDIA Tegra X22.0.0256 (CUDA)0.85 / 1.47CUDA 10Ubuntu 18.0442016720693 1412
Intel Core i7-4790K1.14-Conda4 / 8 Threads4.0 / 4.4Intel MKLDebian 9.9162014582818 1400
Intel Core i7-6700K (3)1.14.04 / 8 Threads4.0 / 4.2Intel MKLDebian 9.9322015655699 1354
Intel Xeon E5-2650 v21.14.08 / 16 Threads2.6 / 3.4Intel MKLDebian 9.91282013653603 1256
Intel Xeon E5-2695 v22.1.012 / 24 Threads2.4 / 3.2Intel MKLUbuntu 18.041282013578678 1255
Intel Xeon E5-2620 v31.14.06 / 12 Threads2.4 / 3.2Intel MKLDebian 10242014614640 1254
Intel Core i7-6700K (4)2.0.04 / 8 Threads4.0 / 4.2Intel MKLDebian 9.11322013577664 1241
Intel XeonSilver 42081.14.08 / 16 Threads2.1 / 3.2Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04322019589643 1232
AMD Ryzen 7 27002.1.08 / 16 Threads3.2 / 4.1Intel MKLDebian 10162018589637 1226
AMD Ryzen 7 1700X1.14.08 / 16 Threads3.4 / 3.8Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04322017589625 1214
Intel XeonSilver 41101.14.08 / 16 Threads2.1 / 3.0Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04962017556642 1197
Intel Core i5-74001.14.04 / 4 Threads3.0 / 3.5Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04322017564625 1189
Intel Xeon E3-1231 v32.2.04 / 8 Threads3.4 / 3.8Intel MKLDebian 10322014569607 1175
Intel Core i7-8569U1.15.04 / 8 Threads2.8 / 4.7Intel MKLmacOS Catalina162019539629 1168
AMD Ryzen 7 17001.14.08 / 16 Threads3.0 / 3.7Intel MKLUbuntu 19.10322017563602 1164
Intel Core i7-4770K1.14.04 / 8 Threads3.5 / 3.9Intel MKLDebian 9.9162013566587 1152
Intel Core i5-65001.15.04 / 4 Threads3.2 / 3.6Intel MKLDebian 10162015554597 1151
Intel Xeon E3-1505M v5 (1)1.14-Conda4 / 8 Threads2.8 / 3.7Intel MKLFedora 30162015449676 1125
AMD Ryzen 5 26001.14.06 / 12 Threads3.4 / 3.9Intel MKLElementary 5.1322018523585 1108
Intel Core i5-64001.14.04 / 4 Threads2.7 / 3.3Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04322015523568 1091
Intel Core i7-6700K (5)2.0.0-Intel4 / 8 Threads4.0 / 4.2Intel MKLDebian 9.11322013529562 1091
Intel Core i5-9300H1.14.04 / 8 Threads2.4 / 4.1Intel MKLUbuntu 16.04122019528559 1087
Intel Core i5-8279U1.14.04 / 8 Threads2.4 / 4.1Intel MKLmacOS Catalina82019511574 1085
Intel Core i3-81001.14.04 / 4 Threads3.6Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04162017539524 1062
Intel Xeon E5-1620 v32.0.04 / 8 Threads3.5 / 3.6Intel MKLDebian 9.9822014477577 1054
AMD Ryzen 5 16002.1.06 / 12 Threads3.2 / 3.6Intel MKLDebian 10162017496554 1050
Intel Xeon E5-2623 v41.14.04 / 8 Threads2.6 / 3.2Intel MKLDebian 9.9322016515497 1012
Intel Core i7-7700HQ1.15.04 / 8 Threads2.8 / 3.8Intel MKLUbuntu 16.04162017451542 993
Intel Core i5-1035G11.14.04 / 8 Threads1.0 / 3.6Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04162019444526 970
Intel Core i7-7820HQ 1.14.04 / 8 Threads2.9 / 3.9Intel MKLmacOS Mojave162017475494 969
Intel Core i7-8565U2.1.04 / 8 Threads1.8 / 4.6Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04322018424534 958
Intel Xeon E3-1505M v5 (2)1.14.04 / 8 Threads2.8 / 3.7Intel MKLFedora 30162015423527 950
Intel Core i7-3930K1.14.06 / 12 Threads3.2 / 3.8Intel MKLGentoo (4.20)322011390492 882
Intel Core i7-8550U1.14.04 / 8 Threads1.8 / 4.0Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04162017374460 834
Intel Core i7-4870HQ2.0.04 / 8 Threads2.7 / 3.6Intel MKLmacOS Mojave162015392430 822
NVIDIA Carmel (ARMv8.2-A)2.0.08 / 8 Threads2.26ARM NEONUbuntu 18.04162018386433 819
Intel Core i3-71001.14.02 / 4 Threads3.9Intel MKLUbuntu 18.0482017383432 815
Intel Core i7-6700K (6)1.12.04 / 8 Threads4.0 / 4.2AVXDebian 9.9322013330460 790
Intel Core i7-4870HQ2.0.04 / 8 Threads2.5 / 3.7Intel MKLmacOS Catalina162014338412 750
Intel Core i7-6700K (7)1.13.1-Intel4 / 8 Threads4.0 / 4.2Intel MKLDebian 9.9322013358353 711
Intel Core i7-38201.14.04 / 8 Threads3.6 / 3.8Intel MKLUbuntu 19.04322012289376 665
Intel Core i7-7500U2.1.02 / 4 Threads2.7 / 3.5Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04162017290374 664
Intel Core i7-4850HQ2.0.04 / 8 Threads2.3 / 3.7Intel MKLmacOS Catalina162013290339 629
Intel Core i5-7300U1.14.02 / 4 Threads2.6 / 3.5Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04162017289334 623
Intel Core i7-3770K1.14-Conda4 / 8 Threads3.5 / 3.9Intel MKLDebian 9.9162012273339 612
Intel Xeon E3-1505M v5 (3)1.14.04 / 8 Threads2.8 / 3.7Intel MKLWindows 10162015313299 612 5
Intel Core i5-7360U1.15.02 / 4 Threads2.3 / 3.6Intel MKLmacOS Catalina82017281327 608
Intel Core i5-8250U2.0.04 / 8 Threads1.6 / 3.4Intel MKLDebian 10.2162017262321 583
Intel Core i7-3720QM2.1.04 / 8 Threads2.6 / 3.6Intel MKLmacOS Catalina162012249320 569
Intel Core i7-3635QM2.1.04 / 8 Threads2.4 / 3.4Intel MKLFedora 3182012253315 568
Intel Core i7-2600K1.14.04 / 8 Threads3.4 / 3.8Intel MKLDebian 9.9162011251316 566
Intel Core i7-2700K1.14-Conda4 / 8 Threads3.5 / 3.9Intel MKLDebian 9.9162011259307 566
Intel Xeon E3-1505M v5 (4)2.0.0-Conda4 / 8 Threads2.8 / 3.7Intel MKLWindows 10162015197367 564 5
Intel Xeon E3-1505M v5 (5)2.0.04 / 8 Threads2.8 / 3.7Intel MKLWindows 10162015240278 518 5
Intel Core i7-5500U2.1.02 / 4 Threads2.4 / 3.0Intel MKLUbuntu 18.04162015224293 517
AMD Ryzen 3 12001.14.04 / 4 Threads3.8Intel MKLWindows 1082017288214 502 5
Intel Core i7-6700K (8)1.5.04 / 8 Threads4.0 / 4.2no AVXDebian 9.9322013186300 486
GeForce GT 7101.12.096 (CUDA)0.78 / 0.80CUDA 9Debian 9.9220132350470 1
Intel Core i7-4510U2.1.02 / 4 Threads2.0 / 3.1Intel MKLDebian 10162014189245 434
Intel Core i5-6200U2.2.02 / 4 Threads2.3 / 2.8Intel MKLWindows 1082015204210 414 5
Intel Core i5-4258U2.1.02 / 4 Threads2.4 / 2.9Intel MKLmacOS Mojave82013192190 382
Intel Xeon E3-1505M v5 (6)1.13.14 / 8 Threads2.8 / 3.7AVXWindows 10162015173205 378 5
AMD FX-83002.2.08 / 8 Threads3.3 / 3.9Intel MKLUbuntu 20.04162012150196 346
Intel Core i7-950 (1)1.14-Conda4 / 8 Threads3.06 / 3.33Intel MKLDebian 9.9162009133195 328
Intel Core i7-950 (2)1.5.04 / 8 Threads3.06 / 3.33no AVXDebian 9.9162009111182 293
Intel Core i7-9301.5.04 / 8 Threads2.80 / 3.06no AVXDebian 9.9162010110178 288
Zhaoxin KaiXian KX-U6780A1.14.08 / 8 Threads2.7Intel MKLUbuntu 18.0416201893127 220
Intel Core i3-3110M2.2.02 / 4 Threads2.4Intel MKLWindows 1012201279101 180 5

1  -  The final AI Score for this device was estimated based on its inference score

2  -  The final AI Score for this device was estimated based on its training score

3  -  This device might be using unofficial / prototype hardware or drivers

4  -  These are the results of an early prototype. The results of the commercial device might be different

5  -  Due to multithreading issues, the performance of TensorFlow Windows builds can degrade by up to 2 times

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ETH Zurich, Switzerland